Top of The Morning

Top of The Morning – Meaning + Its origin + Examples [2024]

In this article, I’m going to teach you a new English idiom. It is  “Top of the morning”, a traditional Irish greeting that means “good morning” or “greetings at the start of the day.”

It is often used as a cheerful, informal way to say hello or wish someone a good morning.

Where does  “Top of the morning” come from?

The phrase “top of the morning” originated in Ireland and is commonly associated with Irish culture.

It is derived from the longer greeting “top of the morning to you,” which was used in Ireland as a friendly and informal way to greet someone in the morning.

Where is  “Top of the morning” used?

In terms of usage, “top of the morning” is often used as a standalone phrase to greet someone or wish them a good morning.

While it has its roots in Irish culture, it has spread beyond Ireland and is used in various English-speaking countries as a friendly and informal morning greeting.

It is often perceived as a cheerful and positive way to start a conversation or acknowledge someone at the beginning of the day.


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I’m going to show you how to respond to  “Top of the morning”?

When someone greets you with “top of the morning,” a common response is to say “and the rest of the day to you!” This is a traditional Irish greeting and response.

If someone says “top of the morning to you” as a stereotypical remark, it is often associated with Irish culture or leprechauns. In this case, you can respond with a light-hearted comment or a simple “hello” to acknowledge the greeting. However, it’s important to remember that stereotypes can be offensive, so it’s best to approach the situation with respect and sensitivity.

The phrase “top o’ the morning” is often associated with Irish culture and is commonly believed to be an authentic Irish greeting. However, it is actually a Hollywood invention and not a commonly used phrase in Ireland. In reality, Irish people typically greet each other with a simple “hello” or “good morning.”

The phrase became popularised through films and media, perpetuating the stereotype of Irish people as always saying “top o’ the morning.” While it may be used in a playful or lighthearted manner, it’s important to recognise that it is not an accurate representation of Irish culture.

It’s always best to approach cultural stereotypes with respect and understanding, recognising that they often do not reflect the reality of a particular group of people.

Top of the morning Myth or Reality?

Few dialect myths rankle more people than the purported Irish phrase, “top o’ the morning.”  Any Irish person will inform you that they have never, ever heard even one of their countrymen utter these words. So where did the greeting come from, and why is it so ubiquitous in popular culture?

Like many such terms, “top o’ the morning” appears to be more archaic than outright apocryphal. Snooping around some old threads at the Daltai forum, commenters provide fascinating examples of the greeting in literature. For example, this poem from Henry Newbolt, written during World War I (emph. mine):

So I laughed, and felt quite well disposed to the youngster,
And shouted out “the top of the morning” to him,
And wished him “Good sport!”—and then I remembered
My rank, and his, and what I ought to be doing:
And I rode nearer, and added, “I can only suppose
You have not seen the Commander-in-Chief’s order
Forbidding English officers to annoy their Allies
By hunting and shooting.”

From the context of the poem, you may notice that Newbolt is English, rather than Irish. This would suggest that “top o’ the morning” was heard in various parts of the British Isles. Regardless of how widespread the phrase once was, it doesn’t seem exclusive to Hiberno-English.

Then there’s this quote, from the oddly-titled novel Knocknagow – The Homes of Tipperary, written by Irish author Charles J. Kickham in 1879:

They were met by the “man of the house” before they reached the kitchen door, and as he gave a hand to each, Father Hannigan’s hearty “Good-morrow, Maurice,” struck Mr. Lowe as being admirably in keeping with his appearance. And the words —”The top of the morning to you, Miss Grace,” suggested the idea that Father Hannigan affected the phraseology of the peasantry.

So it appears “top o’ the morning” was indeed spoken in  the Victorian era (at the latest), although Kickham suggests that the phrase was already something of an affectation.  While I can’t put a date on when “TotM” started to recede, a rough guess might put its extinction at some point in the early 20th-Century. Just how widespread the phrase was (if ever) is unclear to me.

To be honest, though, I’m not terribly interested in when “top o’ the morning” disappeared from Irish English so much as how this phrase entered the American consciousness. What in popular culture gave us the idea that “top o’ the morning” is the standard Irish “hello?”

One popular theory blames the famous Lucky Charms Leprechaun from American television ads. But the evidence is shaky. It doesn’t seem that anyone Irish was involved in the original ad campaign (the man who voiced the Leprechaun wasn’t even of Irish descent).  When the campaign first ran, in the early 1960’s, it’s likely that Americans already associated “top o’ the morning” with Irishness.

I’d guess, then, that the myth originates with an earlier source, perhaps a film for which the screenwriter had an unusually nuanced understanding of Hiberno-English. The Quiet Man might be a candidate, as it was co-written by an actual Irishman, Maurice Walsh. That being said, I haven’t seen the film in years and can’t say if the phrase is even anywhere in the script.


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I suggest these alternatives for  “Top of the morning”

“Top of the morning” is an informal greeting that originated in Ireland. It is often used as a friendly and casual way to say “good morning.” However, if you are looking for more formal alternatives, here are some options:

  1. Good morning
  2. Greetings
  3. Hello
  4. Good day
  5. Good morning, [person’s name]
  6. How do you do?
  7. It’s a pleasure to see you
  8. I hope you’re having a pleasant morning
  9. I trust you had a restful night
  10. May your morning be filled with joy and productivity
  11. Wishing you a pleasant start to the day
  12. I hope this morning finds you well
  13. Good morning, esteemed colleagues
  14. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen
  15. I hope you’re having a wonderful morning
  16. I extend my warm greetings to you this morning
  17. I hope your day is off to a great start
  18. I wanted to wish you a good morning
  19. I hope you’re feeling refreshed and ready for the day
  20. Good morning, dear friends and colleagues.


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I’m going to give you 30 examples with  “Top of the morning”


  1. “Top of the morning! How are you today?”
  2. “Just wanted to stop by and wish you a top of the morning!”
  3. “Rise and shine! Top of the morning to you!”
  4. “Good morning, everyone! Top of the morning!”
  5. “As the sun rises, I wanted to wish you a top of the morning!”
  6. “Hey there, neighbour! Top of the morning to you!”
  7. “Starting the day with a smile and a top of the morning to all!”
  8. “Coffee’s brewing, birds are singing, and it’s the top of the morning!”
  9. “Sending you a virtual hug and a top of the morning to brighten your day!”
  10. “Wishing you a productive and joyful day ahead. Top of the morning!”
  11. “May your day be filled with blessings and opportunities. Top of the morning!”
  12. “Gentle reminder: It’s a brand-new day. Top of the morning, my friend!”
  13. “Sending you positive vibes and a top of the morning from across the miles!”
  14. “Let’s start the day on a positive note. Top of the morning, my dear!”
  15. “No matter what the day brings, remember that you’re amazing. Top of the morning!”
  16. “The world is your playground today. Top of the morning and go conquer it!”
  17. “Waking up to a beautiful sunrise and wishing you a top of the morning!”
  18. “Every day is a fresh start. Top of the morning, and make it count!”
  19. “Embrace the new day with open arms. Top of the morning, lovely!”
  20. “Feeling grateful for another day of opportunities. Top of the morning, world!”
  21. “The best way to start the day is with a smile. Top of the morning, sunshine!”
  22. “Sending you a burst of positivity and a top of the morning to kickstart your day!”
  23. “Remember to take a moment for yourself. Top of the morning and self-care!”
  24. “Wishing you a day filled with laughter and joy. Top of the morning to you!”
  25. “May your day be as bright as the morning sun. Top of the morning, my dear!”
  26. “Start the day with gratitude and watch the magic unfold. Top of the morning!”
  27. “Sending you a virtual high-five and a top of the morning from afar!”
  28. “No matter what challenges come your way, remember you’re capable. Top of the morning!”
  29. “Embrace the opportunities that today holds. Top of the morning and seize the day!”
  30. “Wishing you a day filled with love and happiness. Top of the morning to you and yours!”


“Top of the morning” in conversation 

  1. Person A: Top of the morning to you!

   Person B: Good morning! How are you today?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning!

   Person B: Morning! Did you sleep well?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, my friend!

   Person B: Good morning! What’s on your agenda for today?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, mate!

   Person B: Morning! How’s the weather looking today?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, sunshine!

   Person B: Good morning! Ready to tackle the day?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, beautiful!

   Person B: Morning! How did you sleep?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, champ!

   Person B: Good morning! Any exciting plans for today?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, buddy!

   Person B: Morning! How’s everything going?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, pal!

   Person B: Good morning! Did you have a good weekend?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, my love!

    Person B: Morning! How are you feeling today?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, partner!

    Person B: Good morning! Ready to conquer the day?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, my dear!

    Person B: Morning! How was your night?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, my favourite person!

    Person B: Good morning! How’s everything going?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, my rockstar!

    Person B: Morning! Did you have a good rest?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, my sunshine!

    Person B: Good morning! How’s your day looking?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, my bestie!

    Person B: Morning! Any exciting plans for today?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, my partner in crime!

    Person B: Good morning! How are you feeling today?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, my favourite human!

    Person B: Morning! How was your weekend?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, my superstar!

    Person B: Good morning! Ready to take on the day?


  1. Person A: Top of the morning, my amazing friend!

    Person B: Morning! How’s everything going with you?


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By now you should be an expert on the phrase “top of the morning”. This Irish phrase is an alternate way to greet someone in the morning.

Although it originated from Irish culture, this phrase has been adopted by many English-speaking countries as a way to say good morning. 

One Comment

  1. You didn’t mention song from Mike Olldofield – Top of the morning. This is very beautiful melody.

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