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Targetted Or Targeted? – Examples + Spelling [2024]    

Sometimes, spelling in English can be a little tricky to figure out. 

One thing that trips people up is how to spell “targeted” the right way. 

Some people wonder if it should be spelled as “targetted” instead.

This article is here to help clear things up by giving examples and explanations to show the correct way to use it. 

By looking at the differences and real-life situations, we can get a better idea of how to spell “targeted” and put any confusion to rest.

Which one is correct Targetted or Targeted?

In my classes, I often get asked questions about using words correctly. 

When it comes to the word “targeted,” people often wonder if it should be spelled “targetted” or “targeted”. 

The right spelling is “targeted”.

 This is because you usually add “-ed” to the base form of a verb to show past tense or past participle. 

Adding an extra “t” after the “g” is not needed and is wrong.

 So, when you’re talking about something that has been aimed at or focused on, it’s important to remember the right spelling of “targeted” to make sure you’re clear and accurate in your writing.


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20 main differences of  Targetted and Targeted

  • Spelling: “Targetted” is a misspelling of “Targeted.”
  • Correctness: “Targeted” is the correct spelling of the word.
  • Language: “Targeted” is the standard spelling in American English.
  • Language: “Targeted” is the standard spelling in British English.
  • Consistency: “Targeted” follows the general rule of doubling the consonant when adding a suffix starting with a vowel.
  • Consistency: “Targetted” does not follow the general rule of doubling the consonant when adding a suffix starting with a vowel.
  • Clarity: “Targeted” is more easily understood and recognized by readers and speakers of English.
  • Grammar: “Targeted” is the grammatically correct form of the word.
  • Professionalism: “Targeted” is the preferred spelling in formal and professional writing.
  • Accuracy: “Targeted” accurately represents the intended meaning of the word.
  • Consistency: “Targeted” aligns with the spelling of other similar words in the English language.
  • Linguistics: “Targeted” adheres to the principles of English phonetics and phonology.
  • Standardization: “Targeted” is the spelling used in dictionaries and language references.
  • Communication: “Targeted” ensures effective communication and understanding among English speakers.
  • Education: “Targeted” is taught as the correct spelling in English language education.
  • Writing conventions: “Targeted” follows the established conventions of English spelling.
  • Word recognition: “Targeted” is more likely to be recognized and understood by spell-checkers and grammar-checkers.
  • Online searches: “Targeted” is more commonly used in online searches and digital content.
  • Consensus: “Targeted” is the widely accepted and agreed-upon spelling among language experts and authorities.

Navigating the Spelling: “Targetted” or “Targeted”? Examples and Clarification

In my classes, I often come across questions about spelling. 

One common question is about the word “targeted”: is it spelled “targetted” or “targeted”? Let’s dig into this spelling mystery for clarity. 

The correct spelling is “targeted.” This word follows the general rule of adding “-ed” to the base form of a verb to show the past tense or past participle. 

Adding an extra “t” after the “g” is unnecessary and wrong. 

To explain, think about these examples: 

– The marketing campaign targeted specific demographics.

 – The police targeted the notorious gang in their investigation.

 – The teacher targeted the areas where students needed improvement. 

By using “targeted” in these sentences, we make sure we’re right and follow the standard English spelling rules.

 It’s important to remember that language changes over time, and while there may be variations, “targeted” is still the widely accepted and preferred spelling. 

In conclusion, when dealing with the spelling of “targeted,” it’s important to remember the right form to make sure our writing is effective.


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Some examples for targeted:

  • Targeted therapy: Using medications or treatments that specifically target certain molecules or genetic mutations associated with a particular disease or condition.
  • Targeted advertising: Delivering advertisements to specific individuals or groups based on their demographics, interests, or online behavior.
  • Targeted marketing campaigns: Tailoring marketing strategies and messages to specific segments of the population based on their preferences, behaviors, or demographics.
  • Targeted recruitment: Identifying and reaching out to individuals who possess specific skills or qualifications for a job opening.
  • Targeted content recommendations: Using algorithms to suggest relevant articles, videos, or products to users based on their browsing history or preferences.
  • Targeted social media campaigns: Creating and promoting content on social media platforms that is specifically designed to resonate with a particular audience or demographic.
  • Targeted fundraising efforts: Directing fundraising initiatives towards specific groups or individuals who are more likely to support a particular cause or organization.
  • Targeted security measures: Implementing security protocols and measures that are specifically designed to address the vulnerabilities and risks faced by a particular organization or system.
  • Targeted customer service: Providing personalized support and assistance to individual customers based on their specific needs or issues.
  • Targeted political campaigns: Using data analysis and voter profiling to tailor political messages and campaign strategies to specific demographics or regions.
  • Targeted healthcare interventions: Implementing healthcare interventions or programs that are specifically designed to address the needs of a particular population or patient group.
  • Targeted product development: Designing and developing products that meet the specific needs and preferences of a particular target market.
  • Targeted environmental conservation efforts: Focusing conservation initiatives on specific habitats, species, or ecosystems that are particularly vulnerable or in need of protection.
  • Targeted financial planning: Creating customized financial plans and investment strategies based on an individual’s specific goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation.


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Unraveling the Spelling Dilemma: “Targetted” versus “Targeted” with Illustrative Examples

In my classes, I often get asked questions about spelling, and one common question is about the word “targeted.” Students always wonder if it should be spelled as “targetted” or “targeted.” 

Let’s figure out the right way to spell it. The correct spelling is “targeted.” You just add “-ed” to the base form of the verb to show the past tense or past participle.

 Adding an extra “t” after the “g” is not needed and wrong. 

To show you, let’s look at some examples: 

1. “The marketing campaign targeted a specific audience.” Here, “targeted” is used as the past tense of the verb “target,” meaning that the campaign focused on a particular group. 


2. “The advertisement targeted potential customers.” In this sentence, “targeted” is the past participle, describing the action of aiming the advertisement at potential buyers. 

By using the correct spelling, “targeted,” we make sure our writing is clear and accurate. 

It’s important to remember this spelling rule so we don’t get confused and can keep things professional in our writing.


People might write “targetted” instead of “targeted” because they mess up the spelling or get confused about how to spell it.

 In English, we spell “targeted” with just one “t” after the “r.” But some folks might mistakenly put an extra “t” in there because they want to make sure it sounds right.

 In my classes, I make a big deal about proofreading and using the right spelling so that our communication is clear and accurate. 

So it’s super important to use the correct spelling “targeted” if you want to come across as professional and avoid any mix-ups or misunderstandings.

Decoding the Correct Spelling: “Targetted” or “Targeted”? Examples and Insights

In my classes, I always get into the details of spelling stuff right. 

One thing that comes up a lot is whether to spell the word as “targetted” or “targeted.” The right spelling is “targeted.” 

You gotta know the basic rule of adding “-ed” to the base form of a word to show past tense or past participle.

 In this case, the base form is “target,” and you don’t need to put an extra “t” after the “g.” That’s just not necessary and not right. To show you what I mean, let’s look at some examples: 

“The marketing campaign targeted specific demographics,” or “The detective targeted the suspect as the prime suspect.”

 In both cases, “targeted” is the right spelling, meaning aiming or focusing on a specific target. 

By figuring out the right spelling, we make sure our writing is accurate and clear. 

Knowing these details gives us the power to express ourselves well and with confidence.

20 points about using Targetted and Targeted

  1. “Targetted” is a variant spelling of the word “targeted.”
  2. “Targeted” is the standard spelling in American English, while “Targetted” is more commonly used in British English.
  3. Both “Targetted” and “Targeted” are past tense forms of the verb “target.”
  4. The primary meaning of “targeted” is to aim at or focus on a specific goal, objective, or audience.
  5. Using the correct spelling, whether “targeted” or “targetted,” depends on the style guide or region’s preferred spelling.
  6. “Targeted” is the more widely recognized and accepted spelling in international English usage.
  7. It is essential to maintain consistency in spelling throughout a document or communication.
  8. Spell check tools may flag “Targetted” as a misspelling in American English writing.
  9. When unsure about which spelling to use, referring to a trusted dictionary or style guide is recommended.
  10. Both spellings are pronounced the same way, regardless of the number of “t” letters.
  11. In the context of marketing, “targeted” refers to tailored strategies aimed at specific demographics or segments.
  12. “Targeted advertising” is a common term used to describe ads directed at specific audiences based on their interests or behaviors.
  13. The spelling “Targetted” may be seen as archaic in modern writing and may not be favored by language purists.
  14. Understanding the intended audience can help determine the level of specificity required in targeting.
  15. Using the appropriate spelling of “targeted” demonstrates attention to detail in written communication.
  16. Employing targeted strategies in business can lead to more effective marketing campaigns and higher engagement rates.
  17. When proofreading written work, it is essential to check for consistent spelling of terms like “targeted.”
  18. In academic writing, precision in language, including correct spelling, is crucial for conveying professionalism and credibility.
  19. “Targeted” can also refer to directed actions or efforts, such as targeted interventions in healthcare or targeted strikes in military operations.
  20. Whether using “targeted” or “targetted,” clarity and precision in language help ensure that the intended message is effectively communicated to the audience.

Understanding the Spelling Variations: “Targetted” versus “Targeted” Explored


In my classes, I always get into the nitty-gritty of different ways to spell words and how it affects writing. 

One common question that comes up is the difference between “targetted” and “targeted.” 

Let’s look into this more.

 The right way to spell it is “targeted.” 

This follows the general rule of adding “-ed” to the base form of a verb to show past tense or past participle. 

But some people might mistakenly add an extra “t” after the “g” and end up with “targetted.” 

While “targetted” might sound right because of the double “t” in “target,” it’s important to know that this spelling is wrong.

 Adding the extra “t” is totally unnecessary and goes against the normal English spelling rules. 

Using the right spelling, “targeted,” makes sure that everything is clear and consistent in written communication.

 It’s super important to stick to the usual spelling rules so that we can be accurate and get our message across effectively. 

By knowing all the different ways words can be spelled and picking the right one, we can improve our writing skills and make sure that other people understand what we’re saying.


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Comparing the Spellings: “Targetted” versus “Targeted” with Real-life Examples

In my classes, I always talk about how important it is to spell things right when you write. 

A lot of people ask if “targetted” is the right way to spell “targeted.” 

But, the right way is actually just “targeted.” You don’t need to add an extra “t” after the “g.” 

To show you, let’s look at some real-life examples. 

When a company is doing marketing, they might make a targeted ad campaign to reach a specific group of people. 

By customizing their message for a certain group of people, they want to make the biggest impact. 

Just like in law enforcement, investigators might use specific surveillance techniques to focus on certain individuals or groups they are interested in. 

Making sure we spell “targeted” right helps us be clear and precise in what we mean.

 It’s super important to use the right spelling rules to sound professional and get our ideas across. 

So, whether it’s in business, school, or just everyday writing, remembering how to spell “targeted” correctly is really important for clear and accurate communication.


In conclusion, the right way to spell the word in question is “targeted.” 

Some people might wanna use the spelling “targetted,” but it’s important to stick to the regular spelling rules of English. 

This article shows us examples and explanations of why “targeted” is the better and widely accepted spelling. 

By being consistent in how we use language, we can communicate effectively and avoid any misunderstandings. 

So, let’s remember to use “targeted” when talking about this term, so we can be accurate and clear in our writing and speaking.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between “Targetted” and “Targeted”?

“Targetted” is a variant spelling of the word “targeted,” with “Targeted” being the standard spelling in American English.


  • Can you provide an example of when to use “Targeted” in a sentence?

Certainly! An example sentence using “Targeted” is: “The marketing campaign was targeted towards young adults.”


  • When should one use “Targetted” instead of “Targeted”?

“Targetted” is more commonly used in British English, while “Targeted” is preferred in American English; however, both are acceptable variants.


  • How can one determine which spelling of “Targeted” to use in a document?

It is advisable to follow the spelling conventions of the English language variant being used (e.g., American English or British English).


  • In what context might one opt to use “Targeted” as opposed to “Targetted”?

“Targeted” is often used in formal writing, technical documents, marketing materials, and academic papers to maintain standard spelling.

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