Ride the Tide and man riding surfboard

Ride the Tide [Definition + Examples]

The phrase “ride the tide” can be understood both literally and idiomatically. Here, we’ll focus on its literal meaning, which involves the natural phenomenon of tides and the act of riding or being carried by them.


Understanding Tides

Tides are the regular rise and fall of sea levels caused by the gravitational forces exerted by the moon and the sun, along with the rotation of the Earth. This cyclical movement results in high and low tides, typically occurring twice each day. The movement of tides is a powerful force that can significantly influence coastal environments and marine navigation.


Literal Interpretation of “Ride the Tide”

To “ride the tide” literally means to be carried along by the movement of the tide. This can apply to various scenarios, such as:


1.Boating and Sailing: Mariners often use the phrase “ride the tide” to describe the practice of navigating with the natural flow of the tide. By aligning their movements with the tide, sailors can conserve energy and make their journey more efficient. For example, a sailor might wait for the incoming tide to help carry their boat into a harbor or use the outgoing tide to assist in leaving a port.

2.Surfing: Surfers also “ride the tide” when they catch waves that are influenced by tidal movements. The height and strength of waves can vary depending on the tide, and experienced surfers often time their sessions to coincide with favorable tidal conditions.

3.Floating Objects: Any object that is buoyant and, in the water, can be said to “ride the tide.” This includes debris, seaweed, or even swimmers who allow themselves to be carried by the tidal currents. For instance, a piece of driftwood might be seen riding the tide as it moves along the shoreline.


Examples of Riding the Tide

  • Boating: A fisherman might say, “We need to ride the tide to get back to shore before it turns.” This means they plan to use the current tide to assist their return journey.
  • Surfing: A surfer might comment, “The waves are perfect for riding the tide this morning,” indicating that the tidal conditions are ideal for surfing.
  • Floating Objects: Observing a piece of debris, one might note, “That log is just riding the tide out to sea,” describing how the log is being carried away by the tidal current.


Practical Implications

Understanding and utilizing the tide is crucial for various maritime activities. For sailors and fishermen, riding the tide can mean the difference between a smooth journey and a challenging one. It requires knowledge of tidal patterns and careful planning to ensure that the natural movement of the water is used to one’s advantage.

In its literal sense, “ride the tide” refers to the act of being carried along by the natural movement of the tide. This concept is essential in maritime navigation, surfing, and understanding the behavior of floating objects.

By aligning actions with the tide, individuals can harness the power of this natural phenomenon to achieve their goals more efficiently. Whether it’s a sailor navigating the seas, a surfer catching waves, or a piece of driftwood floating away, riding the tide is a fundamental aspect of interacting with the ocean’s dynamic environment.


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Literal meaning

I want to begin with the definitions of the words used in this idiom; the words “ride” and “tide”.

Ride (verb)

Riding bikes

Meaning: to sit on something such as a bicycle, motorcycle, or horse and travel along on it controlling its movements
Example 1: I learned to ride a bike when I was six.
Example 2: I ride my moped to work.
Example 3: Their daughter is learning to ride.

Tide (noun)

Ocean tides come in with small waves

Meaning: the rise and fall of the ocean that happens twice every day:
Example 1: Most people are completely clueless about tide directions and weather conditions.
Example 2: The tide comes in very quickly here and you can soon find yourself stranded.
Example 3: Is the tide coming in or going out?
Example 4: You can only see the beach when the tide is out.
Example 5: The boat was swept out to sea by the tide.
From the definitions above it is clear that “ride the tide” in its literal meaning means ‘to be floating on the force of the tide or to be swept away by the tide”. Now that you learned the actual meanings of this phrase, it’s time to learn the idiomatic meaning of “ride the tide”. The meaning of this idiom and a few sample sentences are provided for you in the following section.

Idiomatic meaning

Ride the tide (idiom)

Ride the tide on a blue background

Meaning: to go along with circumstances

Example 1: She didn’t have any money but they wanted her to go with them so she decided to ride the tide of their generosity.

Example 2: The best markets and the best companies ride the tide of history.

Grammatical points

The idiom “ride the tide” is a versatile phrase that can be used both literally and figuratively. To use this idiom correctly in a sentence, it is important to understand its grammatical structure and the role of the preposition “of” in providing context to the phrase. Here, we will explore the grammatical points in detail and provide examples to illustrate proper usage.


Structure and Usage

Basic Structure

The basic structure of the idiom “ride the tide” involves the verb “ride” followed by the noun “tide.” To provide clarity and context, the preposition “of” is often used after the phrase, followed by a noun or noun phrase that specifies what the “tide” refers to. This helps to convey the specific situation or trend that one is navigating or taking advantage of.


Example Structure

  • Literal Use: “The sailors decided to ride the tide of the incoming current to reach the harbor.”
  • Figurative Use: “She managed to ride the tide of public opinion to secure her election victory.”


Importance of the Preposition “Of”

The preposition “of” plays a crucial role in the idiom “ride the tide.” It connects the phrase to the specific context or situation being referred to. Without this preposition, the sentence might lack clarity and fail to convey the intended meaning.


Examples of Usage

Figurative Meaning:

  • “The company rode the tide of technological advancements to become a market leader.”
  • Source: Business Weekly
  • “He rode the tide of social media trends to boost his online presence.”
  • Source: Digital Marketing Insights


Sample Sentences and Sources

Here are some sample sentences that illustrate the correct usage of “ride the tide” in both literal and figurative contexts. Each example is followed by a hypothetical source to demonstrate how the phrase might appear in different types of writing.


Figurative Use:

  • “The politician skillfully rode the tide of public sentiment to win the election.”
  • Source: Political Analysis Report
  • “Startups that ride the tide of emerging market trends often find success.”
  • Source: Entrepreneurial Success Stories


Understanding the grammatical points of the idiom “ride the tide” is essential for using it correctly in both written and spoken English. The preposition “of” is a key component that provides context and clarity, linking the phrase to the specific situation or trend being referred to.

By examining the structure and usage of this idiom, along with various examples, one can gain a better grasp of how to effectively incorporate “ride the tide” into their language repertoire.

Whether used literally to describe navigating natural tides or figuratively to depict taking advantage of trends and opportunities, “ride the tide” is a powerful idiom that enriches communication. By mastering its grammatical nuances, speakers and writers can convey their ideas more precisely and vividly

Sample sentences

You can’t turn back the clock, so go with the flow and ride the tide.

I can think no longer of what to do except to ride the tide of events.

And just ride the tide out to sea. (Literal meaning)

It pulsed up under his fingers and escaped, riding the tide of his heartbeat out in hot spurts.

At that moment, the communist movement appeared to be riding the tide of history, and not only for those in the Soviet Union.

Best to sail up the coast a little, or rather, ride the tide, and then dock if we can. (Literal meaning)

I ride with the tide.

The ship was a good two miles down the Port, riding the current and tide. (Literal meaning)

Creideiki let out a warbling whistle of despair as he tried to ride the crashing tide.

Successful sailors and fishers learn to ride the waves and tides and to use the winds and currents in order to safely go where they need to go.

After Stevens left Decca Records, they bundled his first two albums together as a set, hoping to ride the commercial tide of his early success; later his newer labels did the same, and he himself released compilations.


Jasco was riding a tide of speculation, but the press conference that just wrapped up turned out to be less than positive.

I want to make sure they take the right tide so that I can ride that tide all the way to the end of this game that I love so dearly.

Riding the tide of goodwill, United made it through to Wembley where they met Bolton Wanderers in the final.
ParaCrawl Corpus

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20 points about using Ride the Tide

  1. “Ride the Tide” is a metaphorical phrase meaning to go with the flow or adapt to changing circumstances.
  2. This expression implies staying flexible and agile in response to challenges or opportunities.
  3. Using “Ride the Tide” can help you embrace uncertainty and navigate unpredictable situations.
  4. It encourages resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity or change.
  5. “Ride the Tide” suggests riding the wave of momentum or progress in a given situation.
  6. It can imply taking advantage of positive developments or trends.
  7. This phrase can be used to convey a sense of optimism and confidence in overcoming obstacles.
  8. It can serve as a reminder to stay calm and composed during turbulent times.
  9. “Ride the Tide” encourages a proactive attitude towards change rather than resisting it.
  10. It can be a mantra for letting go of control and trusting the process.
  11. Using this expression can inspire creativity and innovation in problem-solving.
  12. “Ride the Tide” can be a motivational message to keep moving forward despite setbacks.
  13. It can symbolize the idea of going with the natural flow of life and embracing its ups and downs.
  14. This phrase can be interpreted as a call to stay present and focused on the present moment.
  15. It can be a metaphor for surfing through life’s challenges with grace and resilience.
  16. “Ride the Tide” emphasizes the importance of being adaptable and open to change.
  17. It reminds us that nothing is permanent and that circumstances are constantly evolving.
  18. Using this expression can help shift perspective from feeling overwhelmed to feeling empowered.
  19. It can be a source of inspiration to ride out difficult times with strength and determination.
  20. Ultimately, “Ride the Tide” encourages a mindset of flexibility, tenacity, and growth in navigating life’s journey.

More quotes including “ride the tide”

Ride the tide Quotes

Here, I have provided for you some examples of the use of “ride the tide” in the quotes of famous news agencies in the world.

1.“The Resolution report, released on Tuesday, said that borrowers had benefitted from record low interest rates and most would be able to ride the tide of gradually rising borrowing costs.”-The Guardian – Business

2.“To get there, he will need to ride the tide of Taiwanese identity with skill and some caution.”-The Economist

3.“The best markets and the best companies ride the tide of history.”-TechCrunch

4.“Just in time to ride the tide of excitement from today’s G1 announcement, Google has released a video detailing all of the “google goodies that come preloaded” on the handset: Search, Maps, Gmail, Contacts, Calendar, and IM (Google Talk), with a strong emphasis on the over-the-air sync functionality.”-TechCrunch

5.“Many borrowers have enjoyed spectacular savings over recent years, with mortgage rates falling to historic lows, and most will be able to ride the tide of gradually rising interest rates,” said Matthew Whittaker, chief economist at the Resolution Foundation and author of the report.”-BBC

6.“Looking to get in before any noise that the show might generate and possibly ride the tide of their absolutely monstrous merger with T-Mobile, AT&T has just announced that they’re picking up two new toys: the Windows Phone 7 powered HD7S, and the Android-powered, glasses-free 3D-enabled LG Thrill 4G.”-TechCrunch

Concluding note

So, today I told you everything you need to know about the idiom “ride the tide”. I told you about its literal as well as its idiomatic meaning.

I also provided famous quotes including this phrase for you so you understand better how to use it in a sentence. Now that you have learned the meaning and usage of this idiom and realized how to use it in a sentence, try to make your own sentences with it.

You can write your sample sentences here for me to review. I’ll be here to correct your mistakes if needed. I hope you enjoyed this lesson. Visit my page for more interesting English lessons.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does “Ride the Tide” mean?

“Ride the Tide” is a metaphorical phrase that means to adapt to changing circumstances, go with the flow, or embrace and navigate through challenges or opportunities.


  • Can you provide an example of when to use “Ride the Tide”?

Sure! If someone is facing unexpected changes at work, you might say, “It’s important to stay flexible and ride the tide during times of transition.”


  • How does using “Ride the Tide” differ from resisting change?

Using “Ride the Tide” means accepting and adapting to change, while resisting change involves fighting against it or trying to maintain the status quo.


  • Why is it important to “Ride the Tide” in various situations?

Riding the tide allows individuals to remain resilient, adaptable, and open to new possibilities, leading to personal growth and development.

  • In what contexts can the phrase “Ride the Tide” be applied?

This phrase can be applied in personal, professional, and even social contexts where flexibility and adaptability are key to navigating challenges.


  • How can “Ride the Tide” be a source of motivation for individuals?

It can be a reminder to stay positive, keep moving forward, and make the best of changing circumstances instead of being overwhelmed by them.

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