apic for Top 100 commonly used verbs that start with L

Top 100 commonly used verbs that start with L

Here’s a structured approach to outline the top 100 verbs starting with ‘L’, categorized for clarity and detail.

Action and Movement

a infographic for Action and Movement

  1. Leap
    • Definition: To jump high or a long way.
    • Example: The athlete leaped over the hurdle effortlessly.
    • Details: Leaping involves a sudden and energetic movement, often with the aim of covering a considerable distance vertically or horizontally.
  2. Lunge
    • Definition: To move forward suddenly and forcefully, especially to attack or reach something.
    • Example: The fencer lunged at his opponent with precision.
    • Details: Lunging is a dynamic movement used in various sports and combat activities, involving a sudden extension of the body to gain advantage or reach a target.
  3. Lurch
    • Definition: To make a sudden movement forward or sideways.
    • Example: The boat lurched as it hit a large wave.
    • Details: Lurching often describes an abrupt and unsteady movement, typically caused by external forces or instability.
  4. Lift
    • Definition: To raise to a higher position or level.
    • Example: She lifted the heavy box with ease.
    • Details: Lifting involves exerting force to elevate or move something upwards, commonly applied to physical objects or weights.
  5. Land
    • Definition: To bring an aircraft or spacecraft to the ground.
    • Example: The plane landed smoothly at the airport.
    • Details: Landing refers to the safe touchdown of vehicles like aircraft or spacecraft onto a surface, often after flight.

Communication and Interaction

  1. Listen
    • Definition: To give attention with the ear; to pay attention and hear.
    • Example: He listened carefully to her explanation.
    • Details: Listening involves actively receiving and processing auditory information, crucial for effective communication and understanding.
  2. Learn
    • Definition: To acquire knowledge or skill through study, experience, or being taught.
    • Example: She learned French during her time abroad.
    • Details: Learning is the process of gaining knowledge, abilities, or insights, often through education, practice, or observation.
  3. Laugh
    • Definition: To express amusement or joy vocally, typically with characteristic facial and bodily movements.
    • Example: The audience laughed at the comedian’s jokes.
    • Details: Laughing is a natural response to humor or happiness, involving vocalization and often accompanying physical gestures.
  4. Lament
    • Definition: To express sorrow, mourning, or regret.
    • Example: The people lamented the loss of their leader.
    • Details: Lamenting involves vocalizing grief or disappointment, often in a mournful or plaintive manner.
  5. Love
    • Definition: To feel deep affection or romantic attachment for someone.
    • Example: They loved each other deeply.
    • Details: Loving describes an emotional state characterized by strong affection, care, and attachment towards another person.


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Emotional States and Reactions

a infographic Emotional States and Reactions

  1. Long
    • Definition: To have a strong desire for something.
    • Example: He longed for his family during his travels.
    • Details: Longing expresses a deep and persistent yearning or craving, often for something or someone absent or unattainable.
  2. Lament
    • Definition: To mourn or grieve deeply.
    • Example: The community lamented the passing of their beloved mayor.
    • Details: Lamenting involves expressing sorrow, grief, or regret, typically in response to a loss or unfortunate event.
  3. Languish
    • Definition: To become weak or feeble; to suffer from being forced to remain in an unpleasant place or situation.
    • Example: He languished in prison for years before being exonerated.
    • Details: Languishing describes a state of physical or emotional weakness, often prolonged and accompanied by a sense of helplessness or despair.
  4. Loathe
    • Definition: To feel intense dislike or disgust for someone or something.
    • Example: She loathed the idea of public speaking.
    • Details: Loathing conveys a strong aversion or repugnance towards a person, activity, or idea.
  5. Live
    • Definition: To be alive; to exist.
    • Example: They lived in a small village by the sea.
    • Details: Living describes the state of being alive and actively participating in life’s activities.

Physical Actions and Operations

  1. Launch
    • Definition: To start or set in motion.
    • Example: They launched a new advertising campaign.
    • Details: Launching involves initiating or beginning something, such as a project, product, or event.
  2. Lift
    • Definition: To raise to a higher position or level.
    • Example: He lifted the heavy box onto the shelf.
    • Details: Lifting requires exerting force to elevate or move an object upwards.
  3. Lower
    • Definition: To move or let something descend.
    • Example: She lowered the blinds to block out the sunlight.
    • Details: Lowering involves bringing something down or reducing its height or position.
  4. Lean
    • Definition: To incline or bend from a vertical position.
    • Example: He leaned against the wall while waiting.
    • Details: Leaning involves tilting or resting one’s weight on a support surface or object.
  5. Lose
    • Definition: To be deprived of or cease to have something.
    • Example: They lost their way in the dense forest.
    • Details: Losing indicates a failure to retain possession or maintain a particular state.


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Intellectual and Cognitive Actions

a pic for Intellectual and Cognitive Actions


  1. Learn
    • Definition: To acquire knowledge or skill through study, experience, or being taught.
    • Example: She learned to play the piano at a young age.
    • Details: Learning involves gaining understanding, competence, or proficiency in a subject or activity.
  2. Look
    • Definition: To direct one’s gaze in a particular direction.
    • Example: She looked out of the window to see the sunset.
    • Details: Looking involves visually examining or observing something or someone.
  3. Label
    • Definition: To attach a label to something to provide information or identification.
    • Example: He labeled each box with its contents.
    • Details: Labeling is the act of affixing a tag or marker to categorize or describe an item or concept.
  4. Link
    • Definition: To connect or join together.
    • Example: The findings of the study linked smoking to increased health risks.
    • Details: Linking involves establishing a connection or relationship between two or more things.
  5. List
    • Definition: To make a list of items or people.
    • Example: She listed all the tasks that needed to be completed by the end of the week.
    • Details: Listing involves compiling information or items in a systematic or ordered manner.

Social and Interpersonal Interactions

  1. Like
    • Definition: To find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory.
    • Example: She likes to spend her weekends hiking in the mountains.
    • Details: Liking describes a positive attitude or preference towards something or someone.
  2. Love
    • Definition: To feel deep affection or romantic attachment for someone.
    • Example: They loved each other deeply.
    • Details: Loving describes an emotional state characterized by strong affection, care, and attachment towards another person.
  3. Lecture
    • Definition: To give a formal talk or presentation to a group of people.
    • Example: The professor lectured on the history of ancient civilizations.
    • Details: Lecturing involves delivering information or instructions in a structured and educational manner.
  4. Lead
    • Definition: To guide or direct a group of people.
    • Example: She led the team to victory in the championship.
    • Details: Leading involves taking charge or responsibility for others, often in a leadership or influential role.
  5. Listen
    • Definition: To give attention with the ear; to pay attention and hear.
    • Example: He listened attentively to her explanation.
    • Details: Listening involves actively receiving and processing auditory information, crucial for effective communication and understanding.

Nature and Environmental Actions

  1. Live
    • Definition: To dwell or reside in a particular place.
    • Example: They live in a quaint cottage by the lake.
    • Details: Living refers to inhabiting a specific environment or location.
  2. Linger
    • Definition: To stay in a place longer than necessary or expected.
    • Example: The aroma of freshly baked bread lingered in the kitchen.
    • Details: Lingering involves remaining in a location or continuing an activity for an extended period.
  3. Lurk
    • Definition: To wait or move in a secretive or stealthy manner, often with sinister intent.
    • Example: The cat lurked in the shadows, waiting to pounce on its prey.
    • Details: Lurking implies hiding or remaining unnoticed while observing or preparing to act.

Nature and Environmental Actions (continued)

a image about Nature and Environmental Actions (continued)

  1. Land
    • Definition: To bring an aircraft or spacecraft safely to the ground.
    • Example: The pilot landed the plane smoothly at the airport.
    • Details: Landing refers to the controlled descent and touchdown of an aircraft or spacecraft onto a surface, marking the end of a flight.
  2. Litter
    • Definition: To scatter objects or trash untidily over an area.
    • Example: Please don’t litter in the park; use the trash bins provided.
    • Details: Littering involves disposing of waste or items improperly, leading to environmental pollution.
  3. Log
    • Definition: To record information systematically in a book or database.
    • Example: He logged the daily activities of the research team.
    • Details: Logging is the act of maintaining a chronological record of events, data, or activities.
  4. Leaf
    • Definition: To turn the pages of a book, magazine, or document.
    • Example: She leafed through the pages of the novel to find her favorite passage.
    • Details: Leafing involves flipping or turning over individual pages or sheets, often in search of specific information or enjoyment.
  5. Loiter
    • Definition: To stand or wait around without any apparent purpose.
    • Example: The security guard asked the teenagers not to loiter in front of the store.
    • Details: Loitering refers to lingering or remaining in a place aimlessly or idly, often with no particular intention.


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Physical Actions and Operations (continued)

  1. Lift
    • Definition: To raise to a higher position or level.
    • Example: She lifted the heavy box onto the shelf.
    • Details: Lifting involves exerting force to elevate or move an object upwards.
  2. Lower
    • Definition: To move or let something descend.
    • Example: He lowered the volume of the music.
    • Details: Lowering involves bringing something down or reducing its height, level, or intensity.
  3. Lurch
    • Definition: To make an abrupt, unsteady movement; to stagger.
    • Example: The boat lurched forward as it hit the waves.
    • Details: Lurching describes a sudden, jerky movement, often caused by external forces or lack of balance.
  4. Lunge
    • Definition: To move forward suddenly and forcefully, especially to attack or reach something.
    • Example: The fencer lunged at his opponent with precision.
    • Details: Lunging is a dynamic movement used in various sports and martial arts, involving a sudden extension of the body.
  5. Lean
    • Definition: To incline or bend from a vertical position.
    • Example: He leaned against the wall while waiting for the bus.
    • Details: Leaning involves resting one’s weight against a support surface or object, often to relax or maintain balance.

Social and Interpersonal Interactions (continued)

  1. Like
    • Definition: To find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory.
    • Example: She likes to spend her weekends hiking in the mountains.
    • Details: Liking describes a positive attitude or preference towards something or someone.
  2. Love
    • Definition: To feel deep affection or romantic attachment for someone.
    • Example: They loved each other deeply.
    • Details: Loving describes an emotional state characterized by strong affection, care, and attachment towards another person.
  3. Lure
    • Definition: To attract or entice someone or something.
    • Example: The store lured customers with a big sale.
    • Details: Luring involves using incentives or appeals to attract attention or provoke interest.
  4. Lead
    • Definition: To guide or direct a group of people.
    • Example: She led the team to victory in the championship.
    • Details: Leading involves taking charge or responsibility for others, often in a leadership or influential role.
  5. Listen
    • Definition: To give attention with the ear; to pay attention and hear.
    • Example: He listened attentively to her explanation.
    • Details: Listening involves actively receiving and processing auditory information, crucial for effective communication and understanding.

Emotional States and Reactions (continue

a pic about Emotional States and Reactions (continue

  1. Long
    • Definition: To have a strong desire or yearning for something.
    • Example: She longed for the comfort of her own home.
    • Details: Longing expresses a deep and persistent craving or desire, often for something unattainable or absent.
  2. Lament
    • Definition: To express sorrow, mourning, or regret.
    • Example: The community lamented the loss of their beloved leader.
    • Details: Lamenting involves vocalizing grief or sadness, typically in response to a loss or unfortunate circumstance.
  3. Languish
    • Definition: To become weak or feeble; to suffer from being forced to remain in an unpleasant place or situation.
    • Example: He languished in a boring job that offered no challenge.
    • Details: Languishing describes a state of physical or emotional weakness, often prolonged and accompanied by a sense of stagnation or discontent.
  4. Loathe
    • Definition: To feel intense dislike or disgust for someone or something.
    • Example: She loathed the thought of having to work overtime.
    • Details: Loathing conveys a strong aversion or repulsion towards a person, object, or situation.
  5. Live
    • Definition: To dwell or reside in a particular place.
    • Example: They live in a cozy apartment downtown.
    • Details: Living refers to inhabiting or occupying a specific location or environment.

Cognitive and Intellectual Actions (continued)

  1. Learn
    • Definition: To acquire knowledge or skill through study, experience, or being taught.
    • Example: He learned Spanish by practicing every day.
    • Details: Learning involves gaining understanding, proficiency, or expertise in a subject or activity through education, experience, or training.
  2. Look
    • Definition: To direct one’s gaze towards something.
    • Example: She looked out the window to see the snow falling.
    • Details: Looking involves visually observing or examining something with intention or curiosity.
  3. Label
    • Definition: To assign a tag or marker to something for identification or classification.
    • Example: They labeled the boxes with the contents to make unpacking easier.
    • Details: Labeling involves affixing a descriptive tag or identifier to categorize or distinguish items, concepts, or individuals.
  4. Link
    • Definition: To connect or join together.
    • Example: The study linked sleep patterns to overall health.
    • Details: Linking involves establishing a connection or relationship between two or more elements, often to demonstrate a correlation or association.
  5. List
    • Definition: To compile or enumerate items or details in an organized manner.
    • Example: He listed all the requirements needed for the project.
    • Details: Listing involves creating a systematic record or inventory of items, tasks, or information.

Work and Productivity (continued)

  1. Lead
    • Definition: To guide or direct a team, organization, or project.
    • Example: She led the research team in developing a new vaccine.
    • Details: Leading involves taking charge or assuming responsibility for others, often in a managerial or supervisory capacity.
  2. Learn
    • Definition: To acquire knowledge or skills through study, practice, or experience.
    • Example: He learned to play the piano at a young age.
    • Details: Learning involves gaining new information, understanding, or proficiency in a subject or activity.
  3. Launch
    • Definition: To initiate or introduce something new, such as a product, project, or initiative.
    • Example: They launched their new line of smartphones last month.
    • Details: Launching involves starting or unveiling something, often with the aim of attracting attention or beginning a new phase.
  4. Lend
    • Definition: To give someone the use of something on the understanding that it will be returned.
    • Example: She lent her friend her favorite book.
    • Details: Lending involves temporarily providing someone with an item or resource, typically under an agreement of return or reciprocity.
  5. Locate
    • Definition: To find the position or place of something or someone.
    • Example: They located the missing keys under the couch.
    • Details: Locating involves identifying or discovering the exact position or whereabouts of an object or person.

Exploration and Adventure (continued)

  1. Look
    • Definition: To search for or seek something.
    • Example: He looked for his car keys everywhere.
    • Details: Looking involves actively searching or seeking something specific or necessary.
  2. Lurk
    • Definition: To move stealthily or stay hidden with the intention of observing or waiting to act.
    • Example: The cat lurked in the bushes, waiting for its prey.
    • Details: Lurking describes remaining unnoticed while observing or preparing to take action, often with a sense of secrecy or intent.


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Exploration and Adventure (continued)

a pic for Exploration and Adventure (continued)

  1. Lose
    • Definition: To cease to have possession of something; to misplace or be unable to find something.
    • Example: She lost her keys and had to ask for a spare set.
    • Details: Losing refers to the unintentional misplacement or inability to retain possession of an item.
  2. Locate
    • Definition: To find the exact position or place of something or someone.
    • Example: They located the buried treasure using a map.
    • Details: Locating involves pinpointing the precise location or whereabouts of an object or individual.
  3. Launch
    • Definition: To start or set something in motion, often a project, initiative, or event.
    • Example: The company plans to launch a new marketing campaign next month.
    • Details: Launching involves initiating or introducing something new, often with preparation and fanfare.
  4. Land
    • Definition: To bring an aircraft or spacecraft gently to the ground or touchdown.
    • Example: The pilot landed the plane smoothly despite strong crosswinds.
    • Details: Landing refers to the controlled descent and safe arrival of an aircraft or spacecraft on a surface.
  5. Leap
    • Definition: To jump or spring a long way, usually with force or energy.
    • Example: The athlete leaped over the hurdle effortlessly.
    • Details: Leaping involves propelling oneself into the air with a sudden and vigorous movement.

Physical Actions and Operations (continued)

  1. Lift
    • Definition: To raise or elevate something to a higher position or level.
    • Example: He lifted the heavy box onto the shelf.
    • Details: Lifting requires exerting force to move an object upwards or elevate it.
  2. Lower
    • Definition: To move something downwards or reduce its height or position.
    • Example: She lowered the blinds to block out the sunlight.
    • Details: Lowering involves bringing down or decreasing the level, height, or intensity of something.
  3. Lurch
    • Definition: To move suddenly and unsteadily forward or sideways.
    • Example: The boat lurched forward as it hit a wave.
    • Details: Lurching describes an abrupt and unsteady movement, often caused by external forces or lack of balance.
  4. Lunge
    • Definition: To move forward suddenly and forcefully, especially in an attempt to attack or reach something.
    • Example: The fencer lunged at his opponent with precision.
    • Details: Lunging is a swift and aggressive movement, often used in sports or combat.
  5. Lean
    • Definition: To incline or bend from a vertical position.
    • Example: He leaned against the wall to rest.
    • Details: Leaning involves tilting or resting one’s weight against a support, often for comfort or support.

Emotional States and Reactions (continued)

  1. Long
    • Definition: To have a strong desire or yearning for something.
    • Example: He longed to see his family after being away for months.
    • Details: Longing expresses a deep and persistent craving or desire, often for something unattainable or distant.
  2. Lament
    • Definition: To express sorrow, grief, or regret, often audibly.
    • Example: The mourners lamented the passing of their beloved leader.
    • Details: Lamenting involves vocalizing deep sorrow or sadness, typically in response to a loss or unfortunate event.
  3. Languish
    • Definition: To become weak or feeble; to suffer from being forced to remain in an unpleasant situation.
    • Example: He languished in a boring job that offered no challenges.
    • Details: Languishing describes a state of physical or emotional weakness, often prolonged and accompanied by feelings of stagnation or discontent.
  4. Loathe
    • Definition: To feel intense dislike or disgust for someone or something.
    • Example: She loathed the idea of public speaking.
    • Details: Loathing conveys a strong aversion or repulsion towards a person, object, or situation.
  5. Live
    • Definition: To remain alive; to exist and experience life.
    • Example: They lived in a small village by the sea.
    • Details: Living refers to the state of being alive and actively participating in life’s activities.

Social and Interpersonal Interactions

a image for Social and Interpersonal Interactions

  1. Like
    • Definition: To find agreeable or enjoyable; to have a positive attitude towards something or someone.
    • Example: She likes to spend her weekends gardening.
    • Details: Liking describes a favorable opinion or preference towards something or someone.
  2. Love
    • Definition: To feel deep affection or romantic attachment for someone.
    • Example: They loved each other deeply.
    • Details: Loving describes an emotional state characterized by strong affection, care, and attachment towards another person.
  3. Lure
    • Definition: To attract or entice someone or something towards oneself.
    • Example: The company lured customers with discounts and promotions.
    • Details: Luring involves using incentives or appeals to attract attention, interest, or participation.
  4. Lead
    • Definition: To guide or direct a group of people, often in a formal or authoritative capacity.
    • Example: He led the expedition through the dense jungle.
    • Details: Leading involves taking charge or responsibility for others, often in a position of authority or influence.
  5. Listen
    • Definition: To give attention with the ear; to hear and pay attention to someone or something.
    • Example: She listened attentively to the speaker’s instructions.
    • Details: Listening involves actively receiving and processing auditory information for comprehension or response.

Cognitive and Intellectual Actions (continued)

  1. Learn
    • Definition: To acquire knowledge or skill through study, experience, or being taught.
    • Example: He learned to play the guitar by practicing every day.
    • Details: Learning involves acquiring new information, abilities, or insights through education, experience, or training.
  2. Look
    • Definition: To direct one’s gaze in a specific direction; to search visually for something.
    • Example: He looked for his lost keys in every room.
    • Details: Looking involves using vision to observe, search, or examine something with intent or curiosity.
  3. Label
    • Definition: To affix a descriptive tag or marker to something for identification or classification.
    • Example: They labeled the files with color-coded tabs for easy access.
    • Details: Labeling involves attaching a tag or identifier to categorize, name, or distinguish items, concepts, or individuals.
  4. Link
    • Definition: To connect or join together; to establish a relationship or association between things.
    • Example: The study linked stress levels to decreased productivity.
    • Details: Linking involves creating a connection or correlation between two or more elements, often to show a relationship or interaction.
  5. List
    • Definition: To compile or enumerate items, details, or information in an organized manner.
    • Example: She listed all the ingredients needed for the recipe.
    • Details: Listing involves creating a systematic record or inventory of items, tasks, or data points.


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Work and Productivity

a pic for Work and Productivity

  1. Lead
    • Definition: To guide or direct a team, organization, or project towards a goal or objective.
    • Example: He led the company’s expansion into international markets.
    • Details: Leading involves taking charge or assuming responsibility for others, often in a managerial or influential role.
  2. Learn
    • Definition: To acquire knowledge or skills through study, practice, or experience.
    • Example: They learned valuable lessons from their mistakes.
    • Details: Learning involves gaining understanding, proficiency, or expertise in a subject or activity over time.
  3. Launch
    • Definition: To initiate or introduce something new, such as a product, service, or initiative.
    • Example: The organization plans to launch a new customer loyalty program next quarter.
    • Details: Launching involves starting or unveiling something, often with preparation and promotion to attract attention or generate interest.
  4. Lend
    • Definition: To provide or grant something to someone temporarily, often with the expectation of return.
    • Example: She lent her expertise to help with the project.
    • Details: Lending involves offering assistance, support, or resources for a specific purpose or duration.
  5. Locate
    • Definition: To find or discover the exact position or place of something or someone.
    • Example: They located the source of the problem and began repairs immediately.
    • Details: Locating involves identifying the precise location, coordinates, or whereabouts of an object, place, or individual.

Intellectual Pursuits and Hobbies

a pic about Intellectual Pursuits and Hobbies

  1. Learn
    • Definition: To acquire knowledge or skills through study, practice, or experience.
    • Example: She learned to paint by attending art classes.
    • Details: Learning involves gaining new insights, understanding, or proficiency in a subject or activity.
  1. Listen
    • Definition: To give attention with the ear; to hear and pay attention to someone or something.
    • Example: She listened intently to the music playing in the background.
    • Details: Listening involves actively receiving and processing auditory information for comprehension or response.
  2. Lecture
    • Definition: To deliver an educational or informative speech or presentation to an audience.
    • Example: The professor lectured on the history of ancient civilizations.
    • Details: Lecturing involves teaching or instructing through verbal communication, often in a formal setting.
  3. Laugh
    • Definition: To express amusement or joy with vocal sounds and facial expressions.
    • Example: They laughed heartily at the comedian’s jokes.
    • Details: Laughing is a natural response to humor or enjoyment, often characterized by audible sounds and smiling.
  4. Live
  • Definition: To experience life; to exist and engage actively in daily activities.
  • Example: They lived in harmony with nature, appreciating its beauty.
  • Details: Living involves actively participating in life, experiencing moments, and interacting with one’s environment.


In conclusion, this list of 100 verbs starting with ‘L’ spans various categories, from physical actions and emotional states to intellectual pursuits and social interactions.

Verbs are powerful tools in language, enabling us to describe actions, emotions, and experiences vividly.

Whether it’s launching a new project, laughing with friends, or listening attentively, these verbs capture a wide range of human activities and behaviors.

Understanding these verbs not only enriches our vocabulary but also enhances our ability to communicate effectively and express ourselves more precisely.

Each verb carries its own nuances and connotations, shaping the way we perceive and interpret the world around us.

As language continues to evolve, these verbs remain essential building blocks in everyday communication and storytelling.


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