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Top 250 Most Used Phrasal Verbs List


Phrasal verbs, which combine a verb with a preposition, an adverb, or both to give a meaning distinct from the original verb, are an important component of the English language.

I’ve always been fascinated by the subtleties of language, therefore I’ve come across a lot of phrasal verbs in readings, conversations, and professional settings.

We will explore the top 250 most often used phrasal verbs, with examples for each entry that have distinctive names.


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What are phrasal verbs?

a pic about What are phrasal verbs?

Phrasal verbs are fascinating elements of the English language that I encounter almost daily.

They are essentially a combination of a verb and one or more particles, which can be prepositions or adverbs.

These combinations often result in meanings that are different from the individual words themselves.

It’s like the magic of the English language, where you combine simple words to create entirely new expressions.

I was astounded by phrasal verbs’ versatility and importance in daily speech when I first began learning about them.

For instance, the meaning of the word “look” varies according on the particle that comes after it. “Look up” denotes information searching, “look after” denotes caring for someone, and “look forward to” conveys excitement for an upcoming occasion.

My speech can become much more expressive and complex with these small changes in meaning.

In my experience, phrasal verbs can be tricky for non-native speakers because their meanings aren’t always intuitive. For example, “give” means to transfer possession, and “up” suggests movement.

However, together they mean to quit or stop trying. When I was learning this, it seemed puzzling at first, but over time, I started to see the patterns and began using them more naturally.

Phrasal verbs’ fascinating quality is their capacity to concisely express complicated thoughts. I might just say, “I burst into the room,” as opposed to, “I entered the room quickly and energetically.”

I really like this condensed mode of speech since it makes it possible for me to speak more effectively and passionately. I also learned that phrasal verbs frequently convey colloquial expressions and cultural subtleties.

For example, “break the ice” means to initiate conversation in a social setting, and it’s a phrase that conveys a lot about the social dynamics and the importance of small talk in English-speaking cultures.

Learning these expressions has given me insight into the cultural context behind the language, making my learning journey even more enriching.

I also noticed that phrasal verbs can change meaning depending on whether they are used in a literal or figurative sense.

“Take off,” for example, can mean to remove something, like a piece of clothing, or it can mean an airplane departing from the ground. Figuratively, it can also mean to become successful or popular quickly.

This flexibility in meaning adds a layer of depth to my understanding and usage of English.

While mastering phrasal verbs requires time and practice, I’ve found that immersion and regular use are key.

By listening to native speakers, watching English movies, reading books, and engaging in conversations, I have gradually incorporated these verbs into my vocabulary.


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a infographic for Top 250 Most Used Phrasal Verbs List

  1. Act Up

Meaning: To behave badly or strangely.

Example: During the meeting, Bella’s computer started acting up, causing a lot of frustration.

  1. Add Up

Meaning: To make sense or be logical.

Example: Ryan’s explanation for missing the deadline just doesn’t add up.

  1. Back Down

Meaning: To withdraw from a position or argument.

Example: After a heated debate, Sophia finally backed down and agreed with her colleagues.

  1. Back Up

Meaning: To support someone or something.

Example: During the presentation, Mia backed up her arguments with solid data.

  1. Break Down

Meaning: To stop functioning (for machinery) or to become very upset. 

Example: Ethan’s car broke down on the way to the airport, causing him to miss his flight.✈️ 

  1. Break In

Meaning: To enter a place forcibly or to interrupt.

Example: While Noah was speaking, Olivia broke in with an important announcement. 

  1. Break Up

Meaning: To end a relationship or to separate into smaller pieces.

Example: After dating for three years, Liam and Emma decided to break up.

  1. Bring Up

Meaning: To mention a topic or to raise a child.

Example: During the meeting, Ava brought up the issue of budget constraints.

  1. Call Off

Meaning: To cancel something.

Example: Due to the bad weather, the concert was called off.

  1. Calm Down

Meaning: To relax or become less agitated. 

Example: When Lucas started to panic, Charlotte helped him calm down.

  1. Carry On

Meaning: To continue doing something. 

Example: Despite the difficulties, Daniel decided to carry on with his studies.

  1. Catch Up

Meaning: To reach the same level or standard as others.

Example: After missing a week of classes, Grace had to catch up on her assignments.

  1. Check In

Meaning: To register at a hotel or airport.

Example: When Amelia arrived at the hotel, she immediately checked in at the front desk. 

  1. Check Out

Meaning: To leave a hotel or to examine something.

Example: Before leaving the city, Nathan checked out of his hotel room and explored the local sights.

  1. Cheer Up

A photo about a person being cheered by the audience


Meaning: To become happier or to make someone feel happier.  

Example: Seeing her friend feeling down, Lily tried to cheer her up with a funny story.

  1. Come Across

Meaning: To find something by chance or to appear a certain way.

Example: While cleaning the attic, Oliver came across an old photo album. 

  1. Come Up With

Meaning: To think of an idea or solution.

Example: During the brainstorming session, Emily came up with a brilliant marketing strategy.

  1. Count On

Meaning: To rely or depend on someone

 Example: Mark knew he could count on his best friend, Julia, for support.

  1. Cut Down

Meaning: To reduce the amount of something.

Example: After visiting the doctor, Jack decided to cut down on sugary drinks.  

  1. Do Over

Meaning: To do something again.

Example: Unsatisfied with her essay, Harper decided to do it over.

  1. Drop By

Meaning: To visit someone informally.

Example: On his way home, Alex decided to drop by and see his grandparents.

  1. Drop Out

Meaning: To leave school or an activity before completing it.

Example: Due to personal reasons, Ella had to drop out of college. 

  1. Eat Out

Meaning: To dine at a restaurant.

Example: After a long week, Henry and his family decided to eat out on Saturday night.  

  1. Figure Out

Meaning: To understand or solve something.

Example: After several attempts, Mia finally figured out how to solve the puzzle.  

  1. Fill In

Meaning: To complete or substitute someone temporarily.

Example: When Sarah was on vacation, Jason filled in for her at work.

  1. Find Out

Meaning: To discover or learn information.

Example: Lucas was surprised to find out that he had won the contest.

  1. Get Along

Meaning: To have a good relationship.

Example: Despite their differences, Zoe and Ben get along very well.

  1. Get Away

Meaning: To escape or go on vacation. 

Example: After the stressful project, Rachel decided to get away for the weekend.

  1. Get By

Meaning: To manage or survive.

Example: Despite financial difficulties, Olivia managed to get by with a part-time job. 

  1. Get Over

Meaning: To recover from something. Example: It took Daniel a few weeks to get over the flu.  

  1. Get Together

Meaning: To meet socially.

Example: On Friday evenings, Liam and his friends always get together for a game night. 

  1. Give Up

Meaning: To stop trying or to surrender.

Example: After several failed attempts, Emma decided to give up on learning the guitar.  

  1. Go After

Meaning: To pursue or follow.

Example: Determined to achieve his dreams, Ethan went after the job he always wanted.

  1. Go Ahead

Meaning: To proceed.

Example: When Charlotte asked for permission, her manager told her to go ahead with the project. 

  1. Go Over

Meaning: To review or examine.

Example: Before the exam, Grace went over her notes one last time. 

  1. Grow Up

Meaning: To mature or become an adult.

Example: Watching her children grow up so fast made Ava nostalgic.

  1. Hang Out

Meaning: To spend time relaxing. 

Example: On weekends, Noah loves to hang out with his friends at the local park. 

  1. Hold On

Meaning: To wait or grasp tightly.

Example: While the technician fixed the problem, Amelia was asked to hold on for a moment.

  1. Keep On

Meaning: To continue doing something.

Example: Despite the setbacks, Mark kept on pursuing his goals. 

  1. Look After

A photo about a woman taking care of her children


Meaning: To take care of someone or something.

Example: During her business trip, Sophia asked her neighbor to look after her cat.  

  1. Look Forward To

Meaning: To anticipate with pleasure.

Example: Nathan was looking forward to his vacation in the mountains.

  1. Look Into

Meaning: To investigate or examine.

Example: When problems arose, Olivia decided to look into the issue immediately. 

  1. Look Up

Meaning: To search for information or to improve.

Example: Whenever he encountered a new word, Liam looked it up in the dictionary.  

  1. Make Up

Meaning: To invent something or to reconcile.

Example: After their argument, Mia and Lucas made up and were friends again. 

  1. Move On

Meaning: To proceed or progress.

Example: After finishing one project, Emily quickly moved on to the next one.


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  1. Pass Away

Meaning: To die.

Example: Sadly, Oliver’s grandmother passed away peacefully in her sleep.  

  1. Pass Out

Meaning: To lose consciousness or distribute.

Example: During the hot summer day, Jack nearly passed out from dehydration. 

  1. Pick Up

Meaning: To lift something or to learn something new. 

Example: On her way home, Harper picked up some groceries.

  1. Put Off

Meaning: To postpone.

Example: Due to unexpected events, Daniel decided to put off his vacation.  

  1. Put On

Meaning: To dress in or to pretend.

Example: Before leaving the house, Grace put on her favorite dress.  

  1. Run Into

Meaning: To meet by chance or collide.

Example: While walking downtown, Ava ran into an old friend from college.

  1. Run Out Of

Meaning: To deplete the supply of something.

Example: During the party, they ran out of snacks, so Ethan had to buy more.

  1. Show Up

Meaning: To appear or arrive.

Example: Despite the bad weather, Emma showed up at the event on time.

  1. Shut Down

Meaning: To cease operations.

Example: Due to financial issues, the company had to shut down its operations.  

  1. Take After

Meaning: To resemble a family member.

Example: Everyone says that Zoe takes after her mother in both looks and personality.

  1. Take Off

Meaning: To leave the ground (for planes) or to become successful.

Example: As the plane took off, Noah looked out the window in awe. ✈️ 

  1. Take On

Meaning: To accept a challenge or responsibility.

Example: When her manager asked, Sophia decided to take on the new project.

  1. Take Over

Meaning: To assume control.

Example: After the CEO retired, Olivia took over the leadership of the company. 

  1. Take Up

Meaning: To begin a new hobby or activity. 

Example: Inspired by her friend, Mia decided to take up painting. ️ 

  1. Turn Down

A picture about a man rejecting a contract

Meaning: To reject an offer.

Example: Despite the attractive salary, Lucas turned down the job offer.

  1. Turn In

Meaning: To submit something or to go to bed.

Example: Grace turned in her assignment before the deadline. 

  1. Turn Up

Meaning: To appear or arrive unexpectedly.

Example: When Ethan threw a party, his old friend unexpectedly turned up.

  1. Wake Up

Meaning: To stop sleeping.

Example: On weekends, Emma likes to wake up early and go for a run. ‍♀️ 

  1. Watch Out

Meaning: To be careful.

Example: When walking near the construction site, Nathan told Olivia to watch out. 

  1. Work Out

Meaning: To exercise or to find a solution.

Example: Daniel goes to the gym to work out every morning. ☀️ 

  1. Back Out

Meaning: To withdraw from an agreement.

Example: At the last minute, Liam backed out of the business deal.

  1. Blow Up

Meaning: To explode or become very angry. 

Example: The situation escalated quickly, and Ava blew up at her colleague.

  1. Break up

Meaning: To end a relationship.

Example: After years of dating, Lucas and Mia decided to break up.

  1. Bring About

Meaning: To cause something to happen.

Example: During the family reunion, Sarah decided to bring up the idea of organizing a yearly vacation. 

  1. Bring Up

Meaning: To raise a topic or a child.

Example: During the meeting, Sophia brought up the issue of employee benefits.

  1. Call Back

Meaning: To return a phone call. 

Example: When Olivia missed the call, she promised to call back later.

  1. Catch Up With

Meaning: To reach the same standard as others.

Example: After his vacation, Ethan needed to catch up with his work.

  1. Check Out

Meaning: To look at or examine.

Example: Mark told Sarah to check out the new restaurant in town.  

  1. Clean Up

Meaning: To tidy or clean something.

Example: After the party, everyone helped to clean up the mess.  

  1. Come Across

Meaning: To find by chance.

Example: While reading an old book, Grace came across a handwritten note. ️ 


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  1. Come Down With

Meaning: To become sick. 

Example: Over the weekend, Zoe came down with a cold.

  1. Count On

Meaning: To rely on someone.

Example: You can count on Charlotte to finish the project on time.

  1. Cross Out

Meaning: To draw a line through something.

Example: Oliver crossed out the wrong answer on the test. 

  1. Cut Back

Meaning: To reduce.

Example: Due to budget cuts, the company had to cut back on expenses.  

  1. Cut Off

Meaning: To interrupt or stop something. Example: During the conversation, Ethan was cut off by a loud noise. 

  1. Drop Off

a pic for Drop Off

Meaning: To deliver someone or something.

Example: On her way to work, Ava dropped off her kids at school.  

  1. End Up

Meaning: To finally reach a state or condition.

Example: After wandering the city, Mia ended up at her favorite cafe.☕️ 

  1. Fall Apart

Meaning: To break into pieces or fail.

Example: After the sudden resignation, the team started to fall apart. 

  1. Fill Out

Meaning: To complete a form.

Example: Before starting the job, Lucas had to fill out several documents. 

  1. Find Out

Meaning: To discover information.ℹ️ 

Example: During the investigation, the detective found out crucial evidence.

  1. Get Across

Meaning: To communicate or explain something clearly.

Example: Sophia struggled to get her point across during the debate.

  1. Give In

Meaning: To surrender or yield.

Example: After hours of negotiation, Mark decided to give in to the demands.

  1. Go Along With

Meaning: To agree with someone.

Example: Despite her reservations, Olivia decided to go along with the plan. 

  1. Go On

Meaning: To continue.

Example: Despite the interruptions, the presenter went on with his speech.  

  1. Grow Out Of

Meaning: To become too old or large for something.

Example: Ethan had grown out of his childhood clothes.

  1. Hang Up

Meaning: To end a phone call. ☎️ 

Example: After a brief conversation, Lucas hung up the phone.

  1. Hold Back

Meaning: To restrain oneself.

Example: Emma tried to hold back her tears during the farewell party.

  1. Hold On

Meaning: To wait.

Example: When the customer called, the operator asked them to hold on.

  1. Keep Away

Meaning: To stay at a distance.

Example: The doctor advised Zoe to keep away from sugary foods.  

  1. Keep Up

Meaning: To maintain the same level. Example: Grace worked hard to keep up with her studies.

  1. Let Down

Meaning: To disappoint someone.

Example: When Mark missed the meeting, it let down the entire team.

  1. Look After

Meaning: To take care of someone.

Example: During the trip, Olivia looked after her younger brother.

  1. Look Back

Meaning: To remember or reflect on the past.

Example: As she graduated, Mia looked back on her college years fondly.

  1. Look Down On

Meaning: To regard with disdain.

Example: Some people look down on others without knowing their story. 

  1. Look For

Meaning: To search for something. Example: Ethan spent the whole morning looking for his misplaced keys. 

  1. Look Forward To

Meaning: To anticipate something with pleasure.

Example: Ava is looking forward to her vacation next month.

  1. Look Out

Meaning: To be careful.

Example: “Look out for the traffic!” Charlotte warned her friend.

  1. Look Up To

Meaning: To admire someone.

Example: Many young athletes look up to Michael Jordan as a role model. 

  1. Make Up

Meaning: To invent a story or lie.

Example: When asked about the homework, Lucas made up an excuse.

  1. Mix Up

Meaning: To confuse two or more things.

Example: Olivia mixed up the dates and missed the appointment.

  1. Pass Away

Meaning: To die.  

Example: It was a sad day when Ethan’s beloved pet passed away.

  1. Pass Out

Meaning: To faint.

Example: After the intense workout, Mia felt dizzy and almost passed out. 

  1. Pay Back

Meaning: To repay money borrowed.

Example: Lucas promised to pay back the loan by the end of the month.

  1. Pick Out

Meaning: To choose or select.

Example: Grace took her time to pick out the perfect dress for the event.

  1. Point Out

Meaning: To indicate or direct attention to something.

Example: During the tour, the guide pointed out the historic landmarks.

  1. Put Down

Meaning: To insult or criticize.

Example: Olivia felt hurt when her colleague put down her ideas.

  1. Put Off

Meaning: To delay or postpone.

Example: The meeting was put off until next week due to unforeseen circumstances.

  1. Put On

Meaning: To wear clothing.

Example: Ethan put on his jacket before stepping outside.  

  1. Put Up With

Meaning: To tolerate or endure.

Example: Despite the noise, Ava put up with her neighbor’s late-night parties. 

  1. Run Into

Meaning: To meet someone unexpectedly. Example: While shopping, Mia ran into an old friend from high school.

  1. Run Out Of

Meaning: To exhaust the supply of something.

Example: During the hike, they ran out of water and had to head back.

  1. Set Up

Meaning: To arrange or establish something.

Example: Lucas set up a meeting with the new clients. 

  1. Show Off

Meaning: To display something boastfully.

Example: Ethan couldn’t help but show off his new car to his friends.

  1. Sort Out

Meaning: To resolve a problem or put things in order.

Example: Grace spent the afternoon sorting out her messy closet.

  1. Stand Up

a photo for Stand Up

Meaning: To rise from a sitting position.

Example: During the national anthem, everyone stood up. 

  1. Take After

Meaning: To resemble a family member.

Example: Olivia takes after her mother in both appearance and temperament.

  1. Take Off

Meaning: To leave the ground (for planes) or to become successful.

Example: After a few years of hard work, Ava’s business finally took off. 

  1. Take On

Meaning: To accept a challenge or responsibility.

Example: When the team leader resigned, Lucas took on the role.

  1. Take Over

Meaning: To assume control of something.

Example: When the manager retired, Mia took over his position.  

  1. Take Up

Meaning: To start doing a new activity.

Example: After moving to a new city, Ethan decided to take up yoga. ‍♂️ 

  1. Tear Down

Meaning: To demolish or destroy something.

Example: The old building was torn down to make way for a new park.

  1. Tear Up

Meaning: To rip into pieces.

Example: When she received the rejection letter, Olivia tore it up in frustration.

  1. Think Over

Meaning: To consider something carefully.

Example: Before making a decision, Lucas needed some time to think it over.

  1. Throw Away

Meaning: To discard something.

Example: Mia decided to throw away all her old clothes that no longer fit. 

  1. Try On

Meaning: to try clothes and see if they fit.

Example: Ethan tried on several jackets before finding the perfect one.

  1. Turn Around

Meaning: To reverse the direction or improve.

Example: After implementing new strategies, the company managed to turn around its declining sales.

  1. Turn Down

Meaning: To lower the volume or reject an offer.

Example: When the music was too loud, Ava asked Ethan to turn it down.

  1. Turn Into

Meaning: To transform into something.

Example: Over time, their small startup turned into a successful business.‍ 

  1. Turn Off

Meaning: To switch off a device.

Example: Before going to bed, Mia always turns off the lights.  


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  1. Turn On

Meaning: To switch on a device.

Example: As soon as he woke up, Lucas turned on his computer.  

  1. Turn Up

Meaning: To increase the volume or appear unexpectedly.

Example: Mark turned up the radio to hear his favorite song better.  

  1. Use Up

Meaning: To consume all of something.

Example: By the end of the month, they had used up all their savings.

  1. Wake Up

Meaning: To stop sleeping. 

Example: Grace likes to wake up early and go for a jog. 

  1. Warm Up

Meaning: To prepare for physical activity by doing gentle exercises.

Example: Before the game, the players warmed up on the field.

  1. Watch Out

Meaning: To be careful.

Example: While crossing the street, Sophia told Liam to watch out for cars.

  1. Wear Out

Meaning: To become unusable through overuse.

Example: Ethan’s shoes were completely worn out after years of use.

  1. Work Out

Meaning: To exercise or find a solution.

Example: Mia goes to the gym every morning to work out.️‍♂️ 

  1. Wrap Up

Meaning: To finish something.

Example: Before leaving the office, Lucas wrapped up his work for the day. 

  1. Write Down

Meaning: To record something in writing.✍️ 

Example: During the lecture, Grace wrote down important points.

  1. Back Up

Meaning: To support or create a copy.

Example: Mark always backs up his data to avoid losing important files.

  1. Break Up

Meaning: To end a relationship or disperse a gathering.

Example: After five years together, Olivia and Noah decided to break up.

  1. Bring Out

Meaning: To reveal or produce something.

Example: The new policy brought out the best in the employees.

  1. Call Off

Meaning: To cancel something.

Example: Due to bad weather, the outdoor concert was called off.  

  1. Catch On

a pic for Catch On

Meaning: To become popular or understand something.

Example: The new dance craze quickly caught on among teenagers.

  1. Check Out

Meaning: To examine or leave a hotel. 

Example: Before leaving the hotel, Mia checked out and paid her bill.

  1. Clean Up

Meaning: To tidy or clean a place.

Example: After the party, Lucas and Grace cleaned up the mess.

  1. Come Across

Meaning: To find something by chance.

Example: While cleaning the attic, Ethan came across his old yearbook. 

  1. Come Over

Meaning: To visit someone’s house. 

Example: Ava invited Olivia to come over for dinner.

  1. Count On

Meaning: To rely on someone.

Example: You can always count on Mark for help with your homework.  

  1. Drop By

Meaning: To visit someone informally.

Example: On his way home, Noah decided to drop by and see his grandparents.

  1. Drop Out

Meaning: To leave school or an activity before completing it.

Example: Due to personal reasons, Ella had to drop out of college. 

  1. Eat Out

Meaning: To dine at a restaurant.

Example: After a long week, Henry and his family decided to eat out on Saturday night.

  1. Figure Out

Meaning: To understand or solve something.

Example: After several attempts, Mia finally figured out how to solve the puzzle.

  1. Fill In

Meaning: To complete or substitute someone temporarily.

Example: When Sarah was on vacation, Jason filled in for her at work. 

  1. Find Out

Meaning: To discover or learn information. ℹ️ 

Example: Lucas was surprised to find out that he had won the contest.

  1. Get Along

Meaning: To have a good relationship.

Example: Despite their differences, Zoe and Ben get along very well. 

  1. Get Away

Meaning: To escape or go on vacation.

Example: After the stressful project, Rachel decided to get away for the weekend.

  1. Get By

Meaning: To manage or survive.

Example: Despite financial difficulties, Olivia managed to get by with a part-time job.

  1. Get Over

Meaning: To recover from something.

Example: It took Daniel a few weeks to get over the flu.


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  1. Get Together

Meaning: To meet socially.

Example: On Friday evenings, Liam and his friends always get together for a game night. 

  1. Give Up

Meaning: To stop trying or to surrender.

Example: After several failed attempts, Emma decided to give up on learning the guitar.  

  1. Go After

Meaning: To pursue or follow.

Example: Determined to achieve his dreams, Ethan went after the job he always wanted.

  1. Go Ahead

Meaning: To proceed.

Example: When Charlotte asked for permission, her manager told her to go ahead with the project. 

  1. Go Over

a pic for Go Over

Meaning: To review or examine.

Example: Before the exam, Grace went over her notes one last time.

  1. Grow Up

Meaning: To mature or become an adult. 

Example: Watching her children grow up so fast made Ava nostalgic.

  1. Hang Out

Meaning: To spend time relaxing. 

Example: On weekends, Noah loves to hang out with his friends at the local park.

  1. Hold On

Meaning: To wait or grasp tightly.

Example: While the technician fixed the problem, Amelia was asked to hold on for a moment. 

  1. Keep On

Meaning: To continue doing something.

Example: Despite the setbacks, Mark kept on pursuing his goals.

  1. Look After

Meaning: To take care of someone or something.

Example: During her business trip, Sophia asked her neighbor to look after her cat.  

  1. Look Forward To

Meaning: To anticipate with pleasure.

Example: Nathan was looking forward to his vacation in the mountains. ️ 

  1. Look Into

Meaning: To investigate or examine.

Example: When problems arose, Olivia decided to look into the issue immediately.

  1. Look Up

Meaning: To search for information or to improve.

Example: Whenever he encountered a new word, Liam looked it up in the dictionary.

  1. Make Up

Meaning: To invent something or to reconcile. 

Example: After their argument, Mia and Lucas made up and were friends again.

  1. Move On

Meaning: To proceed or progress.

Example: After finishing one project, Emily quickly moved on to the next one.☝️ 

  1. Pass Away

Meaning: To die.

Example: Sadly, Oliver’s grandmother passed away peacefully in her sleep.

  1. Pass Out

Meaning: To lose consciousness or distribute.

Example: During the hot summer day, Jack nearly passed out from dehydration.

  1. Pick Up

Meaning: To lift something or to learn something new.

Example: On her way home, Harper picked up some groceries.  

  1. Put Off

Meaning: To postpone.

Example: Due to unexpected events, Daniel decided to put off his vacation. 

  1. Put On

Meaning: To dress in or to pretend.

Example: Before leaving the house, Grace put on her favorite dress. 

  1. Run Into

Meaning: To meet by chance or collide.

Example: While walking downtown, Ava ran into an old friend from college. ‍ 

  1. Run Out Of

Meaning: To deplete the supply of something.

Example: During the party, they ran out of snacks, so Ethan had to buy more. 

  1. Show Up

Meaning: To appear or arrive.

Example: Despite the bad weather, Emma showed up at the event on time.

  1. Shut Down

Meaning: To cease operations.

Example: Due to financial issues, the company had to shut down its operations.

  1. Take After

Meaning: To resemble a family member

Example: Everyone says Lucas takes after his father in both looks and personality.


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  1. Take Back

Meaning: To retract or withdraw something.

Example: Realizing his mistake, Ethan quickly took back his harsh words.

  1. Take Off

Meaning: To remove or leave quickly.

Example: As soon as the final bell rang, the students took off for the summer.  

  1. Take Over

Meaning: To assume control of something.

Example: When the old manager retired, Mia was ready to take over the team.

  1. Talk Into

Meaning: To persuade someone to do something.

Example: After much discussion, Ava talked Olivia into joining the club.

  1. Talk Over

Meaning: To discuss something thoroughly.

Example: Before making a decision, they talked over the proposal in detail. 

  1. Tell Off

Meaning: To reprimand someone.

Example: After arriving late, the supervisor told off Ethan for his tardiness.

  1. Think Over

Meaning: To consider something carefully.

Example: Given the gravity of the offer, Lucas needed time to think it over.

  1. Throw Away

Meaning: To discard something.

Example: Olivia threw away the broken chair after it couldn’t be repaired. ⚒️

  1. Try Out

Meaning: To test or experiment with something.

Example: Before buying the car, Mia wanted to try it out with a test drive.  

  1. Turn Down

a pic about Turn Down

Meaning: To reject or lower the volume.

Example: Despite the attractive salary, Ethan decided to turn down the job offer.

  1. Turn Into

Meaning: To transform into something else.

Example: Over the years, their friendship turned into a strong romantic relationship.

  1. Turn Up

Meaning: To appear or arrive.

Example: After a long absence, Grace turned up at the reunion, surprising everyone.

  1. Use Up

Meaning: To consume completely.

Example: By the end of the project, they had used up all the allocated funds.

  1. Wake Up

Meaning: To stop sleeping. Example: Every morning, Olivia wakes up early to meditate.

  1. Warm Up

Meaning: To prepare by practicing.

Example: Before the concert, the singer warmed up her voice backstage.  

  1. Watch Out

Meaning: To be cautious or vigilant.

Example: While driving in the fog, Nathan was told to watch out for pedestrians.‍♀️ 

  1. Wear Out

Meaning: To become exhausted or unusable. 

Example: After hiking all day, Ava’s shoes were completely worn out.

  1. Work Out

Meaning: To exercise or solve a problem.

Example: Daniel goes to the gym every morning to work out before work.

  1. Wrap Up

Meaning: To finish something.

Example: They wrapped up the meeting with a summary of the key points. 

  1. Write Down

Meaning: To record in writing.✍️ 

Example: During the lecture, Emma wrote down all the important points.

  1. Break In

Meaning: To enter by force or to interrupt.

Example: Someone tried to break in while they were on vacation.

  1. Break Out

Meaning: To escape or start suddenly.

Example: A fire broke out in the kitchen, causing panic.  

  1. Break Through

Meaning: To make a sudden advance.

Example: Scientists finally broke through in their research on cancer treatment.  

  1. Bring Back

Meaning: To return something.

Example: Olivia brought back souvenirs from her trip to France.  

  1. Bring Down

Meaning: To reduce or make someone unhappy. 

Example: The negative feedback brought down his spirits.

  1. Bring In

Meaning: To introduce or earn.

Example: The new product brought in significant revenue.

  1. Bring Up

Meaning: To raise or mention.

Example: During the meeting, Mia brought up the issue of employee benefits.

  1. Call For

Meaning: To require or demand.

Example: The recipe calls for two spoons of sugar.  

  1. Call On

Meaning: To visit or request participation.

Example: The teacher called on Nathan to answer the question. ‍♂️ 

  1. Carry On

Meaning: To continue.

Example: Despite the setback, they decided to carry on with the project.


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  1. Carry Out

Meaning: To execute or perform.

Example: The team carried out the plan flawlessly.

  1. Catch Up

Meaning: To reach the same standard or level.

Example: After missing a week of school, Ava had to catch up on her assignments.

  1. Come About

Meaning: To happen or occur.

Example: The changes came about as a result of the new policy.

  1. Come Apart

Meaning: To break into pieces.

Example: The old book was so fragile it came apart in his hands.  

  1. Come Back

Meaning: To return.

Example: After a long day, Lucas was happy to come back home.

  1. Come Down

Meaning: To descend or reduce.

Example: Prices will come down after the holiday season.

  1. Come In

Meaning: To enter or arrive.

Example: As soon as she came in, Mia greeted everyone with a smile. 

  1. Come Off

Meaning: To succeed or detach.

Example: The plan came off without a hitch.

  1. Come On

Meaning: To start or progress.

Example: The show comes on at 8 PM every Thursday.

  1. Come Out

a image about Come Out

Meaning: To be revealed or published.

Example: The truth finally came out during the trial.

  1. Come Over

Meaning: To visit.

Example: Ethan invited his friends to come over for dinner.

  1. Come Up

Meaning: To arise or be mentioned.

Example: The topic of sustainability came up during the discussion.

  1. Come Up With

Meaning: To think of or create.

Example: Olivia came up with a brilliant idea for the project.

  1. Cut Down

Meaning: To reduce or fell. 

Example: He decided to cut down on sugar to improve his health. 

  1. Cut Off

Meaning: To disconnect or interrupt. Example: The power was cut off due to the storm. ⛈️ 

  1. Drop In

Meaning: To visit unexpectedly.

Example: Sarah dropped in to see her grandparents on her way home.

  1. Fall Apart

Meaning: To disintegrate or fail.

Example: After the incident, everything seemed to fall apart.

  1. Fall Behind

Meaning: To lag or be delayed.

Example: She fell behind in her studies due to illness.  

  1. Fall Down

Meaning: To collapse or drop.

Example: The old building finally fell down after the earthquake.


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  1. Fall For

Meaning: To be deceived or develop romantic feelings.  

Example: Mia fell for the scam and lost a lot of money.

  1. Fall Out

Meaning: To quarrel or drop out.

Example: Olivia and Emma had a fall out over a misunderstanding.

  1. Get Across

Meaning: To communicate clearly.

Example: It took some time, but Lucas finally got his point across.

  1. Get Back

Meaning: To return or recover.

Example: When will you get back from Spain? 

  1. Get In

Meaning: To enter or arrive.

Example: They got in late after the concert.

  1. Get Off

Meaning: To disembark or start a journey.

Example: Ethan got off the bus at the wrong stop.

  1. Get On

Meaning: To board or progress.

Example: Grace got on the train just in time. 

  1. Get Out

Meaning: To leave or become known.

Example: The secret finally got out despite their efforts to keep it.

  1. Get Through

Meaning: To finish or endure. 

Example: Olivia managed to get through the difficult exam.

  1. Get Together

Meaning: To meet socially. 

Example: Every Friday, they get together for a movie night.  

  1. Give In

a photo for Give In

Meaning: To surrender or yield. 

Example: After a long argument, Mia decided to give in to her brother’s request.


Exploring these top 250 phrasal verbs has been quite an enriching experience.

Each verb comes with its own nuances and usage scenarios, and incorporating them into everyday language can significantly enhance one’s communication skills.

Through the stories and examples provided, we see how these verbs play an essential role in conveying precise meanings and actions in both personal and professional contexts.

Whether it’s expressing emotions, describing actions, or simply making conversation more engaging, phrasal verbs are indispensable tools in the English language.


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