Humans or Humen on the yellow background

“Humans” or “Humen”? Which One Is Correct?

Hello dear learners. I’m here today to tell you about a thought-provoking subject. Have you ever thought about the correct plural form of the word “Human”? is it “Humans” or “Humen”? well, today we are going to explore this issue. Ready? So, let’s begin.


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Meaning and Examples

At first, let’s take a look at the meaning of “human”. “Human” is used both as an adjective and as a noun. Here we explore all the different meanings of the word.
1- Human (adjective)
Meaning: of or typical of people

 the human body
 Of course I make mistakes, I’m only human (= not perfect).
 The accident was due to human error (= a person’s mistake).
 When he laughs it makes him seem more human.
 It’s very human to have regrets about the past.

2- Human (adjective)
Meaning: relating to people

 Most of the problems were caused by human error, poor communication and staffing issues.
 The new regulations would improve labor conditions and protect human welfare.
 The human body is composed of about 60 percent water.
 They found some remains which were thought to be human.
 Victory in the war was achieved at the cost of great human suffering.
 The inspector declared the meat fit for human consumption (= in good enough condition for people to eat).

3- Human (noun)
Meaning: a person rather than an animal or a machine
 Dogs can hear much better than humans.
 That is no way to treat another human being.


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The plural form and related etymological facts


Now what is the plural form of “human”? is it “humans” or “humen”?
well, the answer is definitely “humans”. But why is it so? That is because “human” has nothing to do with the word “man”.

“Human” comes from the Latin adjective “humanus”, which is related to the Latin word “homo”, meaning “human being”. Both these words are related to the word “humus”, meaning “earth, ground”, since humans were thought to have been created from the ground. This is a common belief in different cultures.

For instance, we read about God creating Adam from dust in the Bible.
“Man”, on the other hand, is a Germanic word.

Its etymology isn’t very clear. However, we know that “Man” has come to English through Proto-Germanic, and “human” has been taken directly from Latin, so there is no reason that their plural forms should be similar.

In the following, I have provided a number of sample sentences including the plural form of the word “human” so that it sticks in your mind.

Sample sentences including “humans”

 Industrial waste can pose a serious threat to humans and the environment.
 Confidence ratings are often collected from humans in this way.
 Without doubt, the success of humans has centrally depended on their ability to acquire and transmit cultural information.
 After a period of adjustment, humans and other animals control their orientation and motion very capably under such conditions.
 Thus, when known, the learning of cultural behavior can be very similar in humans and chimpanzees.
 At least in humans, adoption of cultural practices or beliefs often seems to depend on an implicit recognition that the cultural item has social significance.
 An interesting finding is that there is a substantial difference between humans and other animal species.
 Modern humans are the only primates that impose geometrically regular shapes on objects.
 Many are amiable and beautiful beings who have friendly relations with humans.
 There is good evidence that humans have difficulty understanding random processes as part of causative accounts.


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Other synonymous words

Other synonymous words


“Human being”

Traditionally, we have been using “man” to refer to all human beings, male and female, usually in contrast with other animals. However, many people consider this to be sexist, so it is better to use a different word, such as “human being”.
 Human beings first emerged in Africa, some two million years ago.
 Human beings have always dreamt of happiness and of a perfect world.
Notice: The word “human beings” is used with a plural verb.

“Mankind” and “humankind”

The word “Mankind” is another word that can also refer to all human beings, male and female, usually in the sense of social or conscious beings. Although people generally consider it less sexist than “man”, it is usually better to use a different word, such as “Humankind”. Look at the following examples to understand the usage of these two words in context better.
 Destiny is set in the far future, when mankind faces extinction from an alien force.
 Humankind has always dreamt of happiness.
Notice: The words “mankind” and “humankind” are used with a singular verb.

Additional points

So far, we learned that the plural form of “human” is “humans”. However, there is also the word “people” to refer to humans.

So, what is the difference between humans and people? I explain this here to you.

You can refer to people as humans, especially when you are comparing them with animals or machines.

 Its rate of growth was fast– much more like that of an ape than that of a human.
 But humans are much more variable than that.
 But people are humans and they recognize human emotion and pain.


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20 points about using “Humans” or “Humen”

  1. “Humans” is the correct spelling of the term used to refer to the species Homo sapiens.
  2. “Humen” is a misspelling of “humans” and is not a recognized term in English language usage.
  3. The word “humans” is a plural noun, while “human” is the singular form.
  4. When discussing the characteristics, behaviors, or attributes of the species, it is appropriate to use the term “humans.”
  5. “Humen” may be a typo or error commonly seen in written communication but does not hold any specific meaning in English.
  6. Understanding the correct spelling of “humans” is essential for effective written and verbal communication.
  7. In scientific contexts, the term “humans” is used to describe the species to which individuals belong.
  8. Using the correct spelling of “humans” demonstrates attention to detail and language accuracy.
  9. The term “humans” encompasses the physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of individuals belonging to the species.
  10. Proper usage of “humans” is crucial in academic, professional, and everyday communication.
  11. The study of humans, known as anthropology, explores the biological and cultural aspects of the species.
  12. “Humen” may be autocorrected to “humans” in word processing software due to the incorrect spelling.
  13. Interchanging “humans” and “humen” can lead to confusion and misinterpretation in written contexts.
  14. Understanding the distinction between singular and plural nouns helps in using language accurately.
  15. “Humen” is not a recognized variant or alternative spelling of “humans” in any dialect of English.
  16. The correct spelling, “humans,” is used worldwide in formal and informal communication.
  17. Utilizing the term “humans” acknowledges the shared identity and characteristics of individuals within the species.
  18. The word “humans” is derived from Latin and has been used in English for centuries to designate the species Homo sapiens.
  19. Demonstrating proficiency in spelling and vocabulary enhances the credibility and clarity of written content.
  20. Embracing linguistic accuracy by using “humans” instead of “humen” promotes effective communication and language proficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which spelling, “Humans” or “Humen,” is correct?

   The correct spelling is “Humans.” “Humen” is a misspelling and not a recognized term in English language usage.

2. Why is it important to use the correct spelling, “Humans,” in communication?

Using the correct spelling, “Humans,” ensures clarity and accuracy in written and verbal communication.

3. What does the term “Humans” refer to?

“Humans” refers to the species Homo sapiens, encompassing individuals of the human race.

5. Is “Humen” a valid alternative spelling for “Humans”?

No, “Humen” is not a valid or recognized term in English language usage.

6. How can the incorrect spelling “Humen” lead to misunderstanding in communication?

Using the incorrect spelling “Humen” can lead to confusion and misinterpretation when communicating about the human species.

7. Where is the term “Humans” commonly used in written and spoken language?

The term “Humans” is commonly used in various contexts, including scientific discussions, literature, social studies, and everyday conversations.

Concluding note

Today we had a lesson on the correct plural form of the word “human”.

We learned that the correct plural for of this word is “humans” and we learned the reason of this pluralization.

We also learned other synonymous words for “humans”. I hope enjoyed this lesson and it would be useful to you. Visit my page for more interesting English lessons.

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